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Daily Grammar Lessons Workbook



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Daily Grammar Lessons Workbook(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to Daily Grammar! Daily Grammar is a fun, convenient way to learn grammar. By simplifying complex grammar subjects, Daily Grammar is a great teaching tool for both public and home-schooled children, ESL students, and anyone needing to refresh English grammar skills. By practicing language rules, any person able to read will be able to master English grammar.

Daily Grammar Lessons Workbook(圖2)-速報App

Daily Grammar consists of 440 lessons and 88 quizzes. Lessons 1-90 cover the eight parts of speech, which are verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Lessons 91-300 cover the parts of the sentence, such as appositives, predicate nominatives, direct objects, prepositional phrases, clauses, and verbals. Lessons 301-440 cover the mechanics of grammar, which is also known as capitalization and punctuation.

Daily Grammar Lessons Workbook(圖3)-速報App

Daily Grammar is the brainchild of Pete Peterson, former Executive Vice President of Word Perfect. Pete wanted to find a way to easily teach grammar to those in need of lessons. In order to fulfill his wish, Pete sought out the help of Mr. Bill Johanson, a thirty-year English-teaching veteran.

Daily Grammar Lessons Workbook(圖4)-速報App

Daily Grammar Lessons Workbook(圖5)-速報App

Mr. Bill Johanson is the author of all the Daily Grammar lessons. He has taught high school and junior high school English classes for thirty years and has done a great job of preparing his students for college.
